
This picture is the latest class picture taken last was taken for the institute's year book actually..according to the data it was on 08/08/08..nice..well let see..
from the back we have:
budi-the boy genius which had a lot of mysterious relationship going on, me-since it'll take a lot of page to describe so just me, ain-oldest girl in the class,she has been here for such a long time that nobody really knows when she first arrive(just kidding), suwarna-the daughter of a tribe leader as a representative from the Indian community, hanim-psycho four-eyed book lover, syakira-childish n sumtime ridiculous with a fetish for shoulder(especially males), yin han-self proclaimed princess of Ipoh(Ipoh mali woo talak sombong) currently dating Dato' M, saadah-because of serious psychic power malfunction she sometimes dissappear and reappear, abu-silent guy with constant emotionless facial expression so it's hard too guess what he is thinking, syed-a chunin from the hidden ninja village of KB and also the oldest member of this class..
the front row consist of:
-a.k.a odete have the ability to chatter for 12 hours non-stop, husna-well known because of her unique voice and vibrating fucrion, juliea- not many knows but she have a secret that can change the world for ever, Mdm Saleha- our naqibah, Mr Roslan- our naqib, mus-after 2 long terms of student commitee life he is now a pension ombudsman with a few underwater trade running, hakim-some say he has the potential to be the next steven speilberg after a few of his indie production hit the global viewers, hadi-occasionally mistaken as an actor because of similar resemblance but he is the anchor of the class

And so, there you have it..a bit more or the less about this class of Preschool Trooper..all the information provided here are not 100% true nor false..the real data regarding this class is still a classified SSS-rated confidential document..but even so..the truth is out there..


preschool troopers (admin) said...

hahaha..nice one..

ainko said...

"oldest girl in the class,she has been here for such a long time that nobody really knows when she first arrive(just kidding)"

* yep,i arrived here early at about 200 years ago..guess what,i'm a vampire!!-cold,beautiful and live for hundreds years..ngeh2

dzulhakim baharom said...

mengingatkan pd majalah sekolah, ai..

sHaRk jer.... said...

ceh....ain nak ngaku geng ngan Edward~...not gonna let you~~~~ ... xp....

dark_eky said...

korg jd vampire??hantu pn takut nk jd vampire cmner..wakaka

Mustakim Ahmad said...

anne..tu dah bukan eldest tp ancient..betul kan???jd artifak la..

dark_eky said...

artifak purba..

dzulhakim baharom said...

the mummy

dzulhakim baharom said...

jgn marah haa

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